What are the Mission and Vision of the Office of the Auditor General?


The Office of the Auditor General (OAG) is an Independent Institution established under the provisions of Article 78 of the Constitution of the Galmudug State of Somalia. Its mandate, functions and powers are enshrined in the GSS Audit Act, 2018 which passed by parliament of GSS.
The purpose of this office is to protect public resources of GSS and also produce annual report by auditing the whole financial statement of GSS to parliaments as per section 32 (3) and (4) of the PFM act of GSS and section (30) of audit act.


Mission Statement

To deliver independent high-quality public-sector audit that promotes accountability, transparency and integrity in the use of public resources of GSS

Vision Statment

To be a leading audit institution that is responsive, effective and efficient in promoting public transparency and accountability

Goals Achieved

OAG has achieved great milestones set in execution of its mandatory work of auditing public resources of SWSS.
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